Felistas Murata – Mai Ts Diaries

Felistas Murata…

Is a Zimbabwean ,born 2 July 1986.

Internationally acclaimed Comedian, Recording Artist, Philanthropist, Fashion Designer, Women Empowerment Activist, Enterpreneur, a Director of Ceremonies and an Activist for the rights of people living with HIV / AIDS.

In 2016 she took a bold move and went public disclosing  her HIV status . Ever since then , She had been an open speaker of her status . This was to encourage her society not to be shy , ashamed or hide their statuses thinking it’s the end of the world.This was also to encourage the society to know their statuses and being able to embrace it in a positive way and also show them you can still achieve everything they want even with that status wich is just a condition not a death sentence. She firmly believes that every member of the society in Zimbabwe and Globally has to know their status . Further, she believes if people are aware of their status and learn to embrace each other without stigma and discrimination, we can effectively fight the spread of HIV and AIDS.

On and off stage Felistas is a marvel. She has the unique gift of captivating live audiences through her well thought and well planned performances which are being inspired by her everyday experiences. Felistas has a huge following on her social media platforms with 1.3 million followers on Facebook , 471k on Instagram and 50k on YouTube.

Felistas is an open book ,very vocal and she loves to share her life experiences with her fans , her pains , her struggles, her joy , her success is what makes her content . Her own life is her content wich she shares through live feeds and also through her music . She believes being open about herself also strengthens those who think they are the only ones going through situations, she encourages , strengthens and motivates people with her own life s ups and downs wich makes her an inspiration to many .

She does comedy skits and is also a recording artist who has collaborated  with other local Artists and is currently working on her music Albums as well .She has also empowered some upcoming Artists on her platform.

Felistas is a passionate Advocate of social justice . She has used her platform to confront social ills bedeviling society like Gender Based Domestic Violence, Child Abuse , Abuse of workers etc. She has helped many people who have been trapped in such abusive relationships.

She has been Honoured nationally and internationally for her work by various bodies , some of the awards she received include Top female entertainment and social media enterprise. Business Leader of the year award on 26 March 2018 from the Women s Heritage Society Organization.

Community champion 2020 Awarded by Concord Young Women in Business-SADC Awards 2020.

Pan African Awards -Most influential women in business encouragement 2018/2019.

Social media influencer 2021

Felistas is the Founder of Mai T s Diaries Foundation, a charity arm she has used for various philanthropic initiatives. She has worked with several women on empowered initiatives that has seen many women start their own businesses. Some women acquired homes and vehicles through these initiatives.

She has also helped some Opharnage homes in her Community and has been fighting against children using drugs . She has cleaned up some drug addicts by sending them to rehabilitation centers were they get the help they need to become a better tomorrow She has also helped these kids in discovering their talents and so that they focus more on their gifts than drugs.

Felistas is one of the best Marketers in Zimbabwe and she used her platform to advertise people s businesses.

She has had so many co operate engagements and had boosted the sales of so many companies with her advertising skills therefore living every one satsfied.

She has worked with Herwood Medical 🏥 South Africa, Glo backup , Zino Driving School ,Manolo South Africa, Best paints Zimbabwe, Best express Logistics Zimbabwe and South Africa. Bruno Furnitures , DNI Construction, Power Haven etc

Felistas has had challenges as well , competition from others for views , she has been involved in some controversy as well, she has been beat down and disappointed a lot of times but she is that woman who refuses to stay down, that makes her a strong woman.

She believes in herself and does not allow any form of negativity to stop her from doing what she thinks is right . She stands for herself and does not allow anybody to write ✍️ her own story.

Above all the heartbreaks she has encountered ,Felistas is a mom of 2 intelligent girls who she has raised by herself.

She is that woman who is ready to face anything that comes her way and conquer it without fear or fail .

She is Mai T s Diaries 💪.

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